Lip Fillers Procedure in Watford

Few cosmetic procedures have grown in popularity as quickly as lip fillers. Celebrities all over the world are now sporting beautiful plump lips, and it’s never been easier to replicate the look – especially if you are seeking lip fillers in Watford. This is just one of the many procedures that the Regent Street ClinicTM can offer under the banner of Regent Street AestheticsTM, with no appointment necessary. Simply drop into our Watford location at your convenience, and leave with a fuller mouth than you ever thought possible.

The doctors and nurses on staff in the Watford division of Regent Street AestheticsTM enjoy more than two decades of experience in lip filler procedures, ensuring that your safety and comfort will be of paramount importance. The product used as a standard during for lip fillers in the Watford division of Regent Street AestheticsTM is Juvéderm Ultra Smile, which has proved to be hugely successful for our team throughout their experience in providing lip fillers, and gives you a simple and comfortable procedure that can take as little as fifteen minutes to complete.

Upon arrival at the Regent Street ClinicTM, one of our professional team will discuss your treatment with you, confirming how lip fillers are applied and what the results may be. As a consequence of this discussion, clients will be asked to confirm exactly which treatment they would like, where they would like their lip fillers to be applied (options include the lips themselves and the outer rim, which is known as the vermillion border), and how much Juvéderm Ultra Smile should be applied. The filler is applied in a syringe that is sized at 0.55ml, which is priced at just £150 per injection, though clients that are looking for an even fuller-lipped look can also opt for 1.1ml of treatment at the bargain price of £250. In the case of 78% of clients, one solitary treatment of lip filler can last for over a year.

If you are worried that lip filler will be a painful experience, there is no need to be concerned. The team at Regent Street ClinicTM will apply an anaesthetic treatment to ensure that you do not experience any unnecessary discomfort, in addition to a full aftercare package. Upon completion of the application of Juvéderm Ultra Smile, ice will be applied to control inevitable swelling. Any lip filler treatment, including that conducted by Regent Street AestheticsTM, will include some degree of temporary inflammation for a few days, so do not worry if the results appear larger than you anticipated – within 48 hours, your lip filler will settle into the shape that you desire. For insight into just how astonishing lip fillers applied by Regent Street AestheticsTM can look, investigate our Instagram page


Clients will be also advised as to how to take care of their lips in the immediate aftermath, with the most important instructions being to avoid kissing, smoking or anything else that involves pursing the lips for 24 hours, in addition to further advice about when it may be safe to apply make-up or undertake dental surgery.

The Regent Street ClinicTM site that offers a lip filler service in Watford is based in Abbott’s House, at 198 Lower High Street – use the postal code WD17 2FF if you are looking to find the Regent Street ClinicTM with the aid of a SatNav. As promised, there is no appointment necessary; the hours of operation are 4.30 – 7pm on Monday, 9.30am – 5pm on Tuesday, 5 – 8pm on Thursday and 9am – 4.30pm on Saturday, so simply drop in during any of these timeslots and enjoy the most professional and competitively-priced lip fillers in Watford.

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