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琉球大学理学部物質地球科学科 海洋微古生物学&サンゴ礁地球生命科学研究室(藤田研究室)へようこそ!!



Welcome to Marine Micropaleontology & Coral-Reef BioGeoscience Laboratory (Kazu Fujita Lab.), University of the Ryukyus!

We are studying the ecology/paleoecology of reef-dwelling large benthic foraminifers (LBFs), as well as geo-environmental issues and global environmental changes using living and fossil foraminifers.

We are also studying reefal microbialites found in Holocene reef deposits.

日本周辺海域に分布する大型底生有孔虫(ホシズナなど)の地理的分布データセットを公開しました! 詳しくはこちら