Transition Specialist, March 19, 2008

I want to thank you and all those associated with the Women in Science

Conference, for the excellent opportunity for CEB students to

participate in such a worthwhile event. The students enjoyed the days

events and shared positive comments about the presenters, food, gifts

and activities.

As a teacher, I was very impressed by the overall message that the

presenters gave in regards to advice about career choices. They

encouraged students to follow dreams, set goals and become aware of

given talents. The keynote speaker, Marlen Nelson was truly a positive

role model for women. I had the chance to meet and visit with Marlene

and she openly shared information and answered questions. She also

provided me with a South Dakota contact for a possible guest speaker for


SDSM&T provided a smoothly run and organized event that reached many

students. My Cheyenne Eagle Butte girls had much to visit about on the

long bus ride home. School of Mines recognized the girls and made them

feel very special and important as if they were adult women.

Thank you again for all your time and effort in making the day such a
