Quotes from Students

What did you learn today that you did not already know?

    • I learned that every path you take will still help you get where you need to be.
    • I learned that people adapt to their own environment just as me or you do to ours.
    • Today taught me to go for my dreams and be who I truly am, and not care what people think.
    • I learned that you can have any career you want.
    • I learned that don’t let people tell you what you can or can’t do.
    • I learned that you don’t need to be smart or really smart to be what you want.
    • I loved everything about it. The keynote speaker was AWESOME, she made me consider zoology and I didn’t even think about it before.
    • I learned that if I try and put forth the effort I can succeed at anything.
    • I learned how many opportunities there are in the science field. I always just figured you had to pick a career and stay with it. I did not realize there is such a variety of paths to take.
    • You don’t have to know exactly what you want to go into, but as long as you go in to science you can get a career anywhere.
    • Be willing to do things you don’t want to do if it will get you to where you want to be.
    • I learned that we need to follow the path that we love the most, and reconsider what is important in our life and what would we be willing to give up to achieve our goals.
    • Be willing to do things you don’t like to find out you don’t like them. Be willing to travel and talk to people you don’t know.
    • I learned to never give up and through all of the tough times of people saying you can’t do it just remember you can. Do what you want. Not others.
    • I learned that you don’t have to do what your parents think you’re good at.
    • I learned that there are people in this world that would do anything to go to school and get a good education.
    • I learned that science is all around you and it can lead you to a great career
    • Stephanie was amazing. She taught me so much. She was by far the best.
    • I learned that science is better than I thought and I want a career in it.
    • I learned that careers in science can allow you to travel the world.
    • Don’t let people tell you that you’re not brilliant.
    • I learned we can do anything as long as we work hard.
    • I learned that just because we’re girls doesn’t mean we can’t do anything that guys do!
    • I learned that it’s okay to be different, in the future it could benefit you in ways you don’t realize now!
    • I learned that you can do what you love.
    • My favorite speaker was Stephanie because she just is an open person who doesn’t care what people think.
    • I learned that you can do whatever you want you just have to stick with it (stay in college).
    • I learned that to do something that you love you have to be committed.
    • Don’t listen to people who judge you badly.
    • Amazing keynote speaker, such good advice about heading for your dreams.
    • I learned to do what you want and not to listen to anyone else.
    • I learned that you have to find a job that you love to do or you won’t be happy in life
    • I learned that if you want to do something don’t let anyone tell you different from what you want to do.
    • I learned anything worthwhile is never easy.
    • I learned that whatever you want to do with your life, do what you need to reach your goal and never let anyone tell you what you can and can’t do.
    • You can make yourself a goal that to other people is high and very unlikely, but if you work hard you can get there.
    • All animals have personalities.
    • I learned that sharks are gentle. Sharks aren’t always scary.
    • The program was a success. I’m definitely inspired to choose a career in one of the many fields of science.
    • I learned not to have people tell you what you can and can’t do or that you are not smart enough.