Google+ Community

Google+ Community

If you have a gmail account, you also can have a google+ account. Google+ allows for easy sharing of information, photos, videos, attachemets within a group of people who opt to join a "Google+ Community". We have a Google+ PLTL community and you are invited to join.

PLTL Hangouts

Is your group contemplating starting a PLTL program or are you writing a grant that includes PLTL? Or are you interested in designing a course for peer-leaders? Or would you like to share your PLTL knowledge and experience? You and your colleagues are invited to a Google Hangout (a video chat with up to 10 particpants) with the Director of the Center for PLTL. Google Hangouts are an easy and robust way to have interactive webinars or one to one or group discussions. All you need is a gmail, sign up for Google+, and click on hangout feature.

Contact: David Gosser at