2015 National Conference

PLTL after 24 Years: Research & Innovation

Join us at the original home of PLTL, City College of New York, August 4-5, 2015 for to share information and discuss recent research and innovation around Peer-led Team Learning.

The theme of this conference will be Research & Innovation. Oral Presentations are invited. Breakout sessions will allow in depth discussion of issues of interest to participants.

Please fill out the registration form if you would like to attend, and if you would like to present, please fill out the "National PLTL Conference: Call for Papers" form as well.

Presentations at the conference have the option of being included in written form in a PLTL National Conference Monograph.

Registration Fee:

The registration fee for the 2015 National Conference is $200.

Each participant will receive a signed copy of the brand new book: Peer-Led Team Learning: Origins, Research and Practice (David Gosser, Linus Publications).