Test dataset for dLSI code

Post date: Dec 29, 2015 8:19:44 AM

I have added the test dataset to run the dynamic Laser Speckle Imaging code. It is available in Matlab format (datauint16.mat) and in multi-frame TIFF format / zipped (datauint16.zip).

Loading Matlab binary format is straightforward, in order to load Tiff as a multiframe data into Matlab use the following code:


fname = 'datauint16.tiff';
finfo = imfinfo(fname);
numFrames = numel(finfo);
assert(numFrames > 0, 'File is emtpy'); %we load data as uint16 to keep the memory usage low
data = uint16(zeros(finfo(1).Height, finfo(1).Width, numFrames));
for ii=1:numFrames
data(:,:,ii) = uint16(imread(fname, ii));
%we expect to have 480x640x16 uint16 data at this point
assert(size(data) == [480 640 16], 'Data load failed');


You can use the data (480x640x16 as an input for dlsi_example.m from dLSI Matlab package found on this page Dynamic Laser Speckle Imaging)

When everything done properly you will get something like on the Figure below:

Please let me know (pv zakharov at gmail com) if you have further questions.