Raw Chocolate Cupcakes with Frosting

For the Cake/Brownies:

1/3 c cashew flour (from cashews run through the food processor until flour consistency - I like to soak mine 2 hours, then dehydrate them, then make into cashew flour but it's okay to omit this step too)

2/3 c cocoa powder

3 Tbs coconut oil

2 1/4 c pecans, soaked and dehydrated

dash salt

1 tsp vanilla

6-7 medjool dates, pitted and soft

3 Tbs honey

Process all in food processor. Press into 8x8 pan for brownies or into mini cupcake molds. Top with favourite frosting with fruit or raw whipped cream garnish.

For the Frosting:

1/3 c dates, pitted

1/4 - 1/3 c honey

1 avocado

1/3 c cocoa powder

1 tsp vanilla

Process in food processor until smooth. Use to frost brownies or mini cupcakes. There might be some left over, but I'm pretty sure there won't be for long - this stuff to me tastes like "real" frosting - only without all the icky overly sugared flavour.
