Echota's Chaga/Reishi Chai Latte

Chaga Reishi Chai Latte

(goes without saying that all ingredients are organic fair trade, yes?)

4 c filtered water

1 thumb-sized chunk ginger

1/4 c coconut milk

raw honey to taste

1 tsp Vimergy reishi

2 tsps Vimergy chaga

1/2 tsp alcohol-free vanilla

1/2 tsp ginger powder

1/2 tsp cardamom powder

1/4 tsp ground nutmeg

1/4 tsp ground cinnamon

Here's how I like to put mine together. Put the water in the kettle and put the kettle on medium heat to warm. You want the water just under boiling.

Then add the coconut milk and honey to the blender. Add spices, chaga, reishi and vanilla as well. By this time for me, the kettle is usually ready, so I then add the just under boiling water to the blender container. Blend on low speed until slightly frothy.

Pour into your favorite mugs and enjoy! Serves two.