Parameter guide

Output channel parameters

The pattern on each output channel is governed by 16 parameters, which fall into five categories:

  • Pulse parameters

  • Burst parameters

  • Train parameters

  • Custom train parameters

  • Trigger link parameters

Pulse parameters

The time course of a pulse is governed by several parameters:

    • isBiphasic: 0 to select monophasic pulses, 1 to select biphasic pulses.

    • Phase1Voltage: (-10V to +10V, 70mV resolution)

    • Phase1Duration (0.0001s - 3600s, 0.0001s resolution, 0.00001s precision)

Biphasic pulses use the following additional parameters:

    • InterPhaseInterval (0.0001s - 3600s, 0.0001s resolution, 0.00001s precision)

    • Phase2Voltage (-10V to +10V, 78mV resolution)

    • Phase2Duration (0.0001s - 3600s, 0.0001s resolution, 0.00001s precision)

Each channel has a configurable resting voltage parameter, which defines the voltage between phases, pulses and pulse trains (0V by default):

    • RestingVoltage (-10V to +10V, 78mV resolution)

The pulse parameters are illustrated in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1: Diagram of pulse parameters

    • The InterPulseInterval parameter (illustrated below) controls the time between consecutive pulses.

Burst parameters

An ongoing pulse train can be gated to produce bursts with the following burst parameters:

    • BurstDuration (0s - 3600s, 0.0001s resolution, 0.00001s precision)

    • InterBurstInterval (0.0001s - 3600s, 0.0001s resolution, 0.00001s precision)

The inter-pulse interval and burst parameters are illustrated in Figure 2 below.

Figure 2: Diagram of burst parameters

    • To enable bursts, set the BurstDuration parameter to a non-zero value.

Train parameters

The onset latency and duration of pulse trains are controlled by the following train parameters:

    • PulseTrainDelay (0s - 3600s, 0.0001s resolution, 0.00001s precision)

    • PulseTrainDuration (0.0001s - 3600s, 0.0001s resolution, 0.00001s precision)

The train parameters specify time with respect to the pulse train trigger, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Diagram of train parameters

    • Pulse, burst and train parameters define the pulse train if the CustomTrainID parameter is set to 0 (more on this parameter below).

Custom train parameters

For monophasic pulse trains, the user can specify the exact onset time and voltage of each pulse using a custom train. Custom pulse trains are limited by Pulse Pal's internal memory. Pulse Pal v0.4 can store two custom trains, each containing 1,000 pulse or burst onset times and 1,000 corresponding voltages. The custom trains can be delivered on any output channel. The following output channel parameters control custom trains:

    • CustomTrainID (0 = parametric, 1 = custom train 1, 2 = custom train 2)

    • CustomTrainTarget (0 = pulses, 1 = bursts)

    • CustomTrainLoop (0 = no loop, 1 = loop until PulseTrainDuration)

While onset times and voltages are specified in software, the Phase1Duration parameter still controls pulse width for all pulses in a custom train.

Once configured to use custom trains, custom train pulse times and voltages are sent to Pulse Pal by a software client:

Trigger link parameters

Each output channel can be triggered by either of the two trigger channels. Triggers are linked to outputs with the following parameters for each output channel:

    • LinkedToTriggerCh1 (0 = unlinked, 1 = linked)

    • LinkedToTriggerCh2 (0 = unlinked, 1 = linked)

Trigger channel parameters

Trigger channels are sampled every 100μs, and translate incoming logic pulses into commands to start and stop pulse trains.

The following parameters control how trigger channels use incoming pulses:

    • TriggerMode (0 = normal, 1 = toggle, 2 = pulse gated)

In normal mode, an incoming trigger (low to high logic transition) received by a trigger channel will start pulse trains on all linked output channels.

  • Additional trigger pulses received during playback of the pulse train will be ignored.

In toggle mode, an incoming trigger received by a trigger channel will start pulse trains on linked output channels.

    • If an additional trigger pulse is detected during playback, the pulse trains on all linked output channels are stopped.

In pulse gated mode, a low to high logic transition starts playback and a high to low transition stops playback.