PC (XP/Win7/Win10)

This section details installing the Pulse Pal driver and MATLAB client on a PC running Windows.

The PC must have

1. Windows XP, Windows 7-10

2. 1GB+ RAM

3. If you plan to use MATLAB, use MATLAB r2009a or a more recent version.

Download the Pulse Pal software (Skip this step if you wish to use version control to keep Pulse Pal's software and firmware current)

The latest version of Pulse Pal is maintained by Sanworks LLC. It can be downloaded from the following repository:


The original repository (for reference purposes only) is still available here:


Extract the zip, and copy the contents of the PulsePal-master folder to \Documents\PulsePal\

Clone the code repository (Skip this step if you do not wish to use version control to keep PulsePal's software and firmware current)

Pulse Pal's software is frequently updated with new features and improvements. To keep Pulse Pal current for everyone, we use a revision control system called Git.

Git's command line usage can be tricky, so instead, we use a simple and powerful user interface to Git called SourceTree.

1. Download and install SourceTree.

2. If necessary, click to install the .net framework during SourceTree installation.

3. Open SourceTree.

4. If you do not have Git installed, you will be prompted with three ways to install it. Select "Download an embedded version of Git".

5. Next, enter a name and Email address. This is your signature for commits.

6. Leave checkboxes on their default settings (Global config file permissions and automatic line ending).

7. If you are prompted that you don't have a global ignore file, click "Yes" to create one.

8. Select "Use PuTTY" from the SSH client configuration menu

9. Select "No" to create an SSH key later.

10. Do not connect to a hosting service when prompted. Click "Finish" and then "Skip test".

11. From the menu bar, click "Clone / New".

12. In the "Source path / URL" field, type: https://github.com/sanworks/PulsePal.git

*12.5 The old repository is still available here, for reference: https://github.com/PulsePal/PulsePal.git

13. In the "Destination path" field, the default is /Documents/PulsePal. This is where the Pulse Pal software will reside on your hard drive.

15. Click "Clone".

If all went well, this should copy the latest Pulse Pal client to your computer. The repository will appear in the listbox on the lefthand side of the SourceTree window.

For more on using SourceTree to keep your Pulse Pal version current, see the SourceTree FAQ