

Sends a single channel parameter to the Pulse Pal device.

  • This is useful in closed-loop feedback applications where a single parameter must be quickly adjusted.

  • Each parameter is described in depth in the Parameter guide.


ConfirmBit = ProgramPulsePalParam(OutputChannel, ParameterCode, ParameterValue)


  • Channel: The channel to adjust (1-4 for output channel params, 1-2 for trigger channel params)

  • ParameterCode: One byte specifying the parameter to adjust. Valid arguments (followed by descriptions in parentheses) are:

    • 1 (Biphasic pulse (0 = monophasic, 1 = biphasic)

    • 2 (Phase 1 voltage, Volts, -10 to +10)

    • 3 (Phase 2 voltage, Volts)

    • 4 (Phase 1 duration, Seconds, 0.0001-3600)

    • 5 (Inter-phase interval, Seconds)

    • 6 (Phase 2 duration, Seconds)

    • 7 (Inter-pulse interval, Seconds)

    • 8 (Burst duration, Seconds)

    • 9 (Inter-burst interval, Seconds)

    • 10 (Pulse train duration, Seconds)

    • 11 (Pulse train delay, Seconds)

    • 12 (Responds to trigger channel 1, 0 or 1)

    • 13 (Responds to trigger channel 2, 0 or 1)

    • 14 (Custom train identity, 0 (none), 1 or 2)

    • 15 (Custom train target, 0 (pulses), 1 (bursts))

    • 16 (Custom train loop, 0 or 1)

    • 17(Resting voltage, Volts, -10 to +10)

    • 128 (Trigger mode, 0 = normal, 1 = toggle, 2 = pulse-gated)

  • Alternatively, the parameter code argument may be a string from the following list (for a speed penalty)

    • 'IsBiphasic'

    • 'Phase1Voltage'

    • 'Phase2Voltage'

    • 'Phase1Duration'

    • 'InterPhaseInterval'

    • 'Phase2Duration'

    • 'InterPulseInterval'

    • 'BurstDuration'

    • 'InterBurstInterval'

    • 'PulseTrainDuration'

    • 'PulseTrainDelay'

    • 'LinkTriggerChannel1'

    • 'LinkTriggerChannel2'

    • 'CustomTrainID'

    • 'CustomTrainTarget'

    • 'CustomTrainLoop'

    • 'RestingVoltage'

    • 'TriggerMode'

  • ParameterValue: One number specifying the new value of the parameter to be changed.


ConfirmBit =

1 if parameter was changed successfully.

0 if an error occurred during transmission.


% 1. This code changes the pulse amplitude of monophasic pulses on channel 3 to -7.5 volts if condition x is true.

ConditionX = 1;

if ConditionX == 1

ProgramPulsePalParam(3, 0, -7,5);


% 2. This code changes the stimulus train duration on channel 1 to 10 seconds, soft-triggers the stimulus, adjusts the % train duration to 5 seconds, and triggers it again.

ProgramPulsePalParam(1, 8, 10);



ProgramPulsePalParam(1, 8, 5);
