CSD Program of Study

Project ASD 6

Master’s Degree in Communication Sciences & Disorders with State Endorsement in ASD

CSD Certification and Master’s Degree Program, with State Endorsement in Autism (72-75 hours)

Note: Scholars will receive financial support for tuition and fees for 6 graduate credit hours per semester over six consecutive semesters, for a total of 36 credit hours.

Program of Study for Fall Cohorts

Semester 1 (Fall)

SPA 6204 Advanced Articulation/ Phonological Disorders (3)

SPA 6551 Foundations of Clinical Practice I (1)

SPA 6805 Research in Communicative Disorders (3)

SPA 6541 Assessment of Language Disorders in Children & Adolescents (3)

SPA 6542 Intervention of Language Disorders in Children & Adolescents (3)

Total Hours = 13

Semester 2 (Spring)

SPA 6559 Augmentative & Alternative Communication Systems (3)

SPA 6211 Voice & Upper Airway Disorders (3)

SPA 6410 Aphasia & Related Disorders (3)

SPA 6417 Mgmt. of Cog-Communication Disorders (3)

SPA 6503 Foundations of Clinical Practice II: Seminar (1)

SPA 6503L Foundations of Clinical Practice II: Application Lab (2 sections) (2)

Total Hours = 15

Semester 3 (Summer)

SPA 6327 Aural Habilitation/Rehabilitation (3)

SPA 6565 Feeding & Swallowing Disorders (3)

SPA 6474 Assessment & Management of Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Populations (3)

SPA 6942 Foundations of Clinical Practice III: Seminar (1)

SPA 6942L Foundations of Clinical Practice III: Application Lab (2 sections) (2)

SPA 6553L Clinical Practice in Differential Diagnosis in SLP (1)

Total Hours = 13

Semester 4 (Fall)

*EEX 6612 Methods of Behavior Management (3)

SPA 6236 Motor Speech Disorders in Adults & Children (3)

SPA 6225C Fluency Disorders (3)

SPA6943C Clinical Practice L1 (3)

SPA 6563L Clinical Practice and Instrumental Diagnostics in Individuals with Dysphagia (1)

SPA 6946 Clinical Practice (3)

Total Hours = 14

Semester 5 (Spring)

*EEX 6246 Nature of Autism; Theory and Educational Practice (3)

*EEX 6297 Assessment, Diagnosis, and Curriculum Prescriptions for Autism (3)

SPA 6946 Clinical Practice L2 (5)

Total Hours = 11

Semester 6 (Summer)

*SPA 6437 Assistive and Instructional Tech. for Communication (3)

SPA 6946 Clinical Practice L3 (6)

Total Hours = 9


Courses for the Graduate Certificate in Autism Spectrum Disorders

*One of four courses in UCF’s Certificate in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Program of study for supported degree programs is aligned to allow for shared certificate coursework over three consecutive semesters.

EEX 6246 Nature of Autism: Theory and Educational Practice

Course Description: This course is designed to address theory and teaching applications for students with autism spectrum disorders including an historical overview of ASD, major theories and trends, etiological and diagnostic issues, classroom structure, research based instructional strategies, and family involvement. Twenty hours of field-based experience is required with this course.

EEX 6297 Assessment, Diagnosis and Curriculum Prescriptions for Students with Autism

Course Description: This course addresses contemporary assessments and models for assessing exceptional children. It also addresses curriculum and prescription. Specific emphasis will be placed on assessment of students with severe and profound disabilities (SPD). A field-based experience will include applied assignments involving ongoing classroom based assessment, data collection, data-based decision making, and program development for a student with SPD. Twenty hours of field-based experience is required with this course.

EEX 6612 Methods of Behavior Management

Course Description: Course content includes analysis of the principles of behavior management and application of these principles to student behavior and classroom management. Using research as a basis, focus is placed on current practice in evaluation and treatment services to address specific behavioral challenges and positive interventions for students with ASD.

SPA 6437 Communication Foundations and Assistive/Instructional Technology for Communication

Course Description: Students will learn specific classroom approaches to meet the communication needs of students with ASD and other communication disorders. This course will involve an extensive overview of assistive technology (AT) and augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems and services.