Applying to Graduate Studies

Below are instructions on how to apply to the ESE program, the CSD program, and the ASD graduate certificate. Please read the instructions carefully. Please note the instructions for the CSD program are different than the instructions for applying to the ESE program.

*Note: The application deadlines for the ESE Master's Program and the ASD Graduate Certificate for Fall 2022 are April 1st!* 

Apply to UCF Graduate Studies for Exceptional Student Education M.Ed.: 

1) Go to:

2) Select the term you wish to apply for (Ex. Spring 2024, Summer 2024…)

3) Create user profile or log in to a pre-existing account

4) Start a new application

a. A window should pop-up saying “2022 Graduate Application”

b. Select “Create Application”

c. Select “Open Application”

5) Fill out applicable personal information for “Application Information”, “Personal, Information”, and “Academic History”

6) Next, fill out the “UCF Degree Program Information”

a. Under “Are you applying to an online only program?” Select “Yes”

b. Under “Please select your level of study”, Select “Masters”

c. Under “Please select your online academic program of study”, Select “Exceptional Student Education MEd”

d. Under “When do you plan to begin your studies”, select the term you wish to begin classes (Ex. Spring 2024, Summer 2024…)

7) Next, fill out the rest of the application (“College of Community Innovation and Education Additional Information”, “Additional Academic Information”, and “Previous Conduct”)

8) After you have completed the application, complete the “Signature” portion and then review the application

9) After these steps are completed, you will be able to submit your application and pay the application fee of $30

*Please note that your application can only be submitted once and will not be accessible for changes after submission.

**After you have submitted your application, you will be able to complete the Florida Residency Classification

Apply to UCF Graduate Studies for Communication Sciences and Disorders M.A.: 

1) Go to:

2) Select the term you wish to apply for (Ex. Spring 2022, Summer 2022…)

3) Create user profile or log in to a pre-existing account

4) Start a new application

a. A window should pop-up saying “2022 Graduate Application”

b. Select “Create Application”

c. Select “Open Application”

5) Fill out applicable personal information for “Application Information”, “Personal Information”, and “Academic History”

6) Next, fill out the “UCF Degree Program Information”

a. Under “Are you applying to an online only program?” Select “No” 

b. Under “Please select your level of study”, Select “Masters”

c. Under “Please select your academic program of study”, Select “Communication Sciences and Disorders MA”

d. Under “When do you plan to begin your studies”, select the term you wish to begin classes (Ex. Spring 2022, Summer 2022…)

7) Next, fill out the rest of the application (“State Licensure Disclosure”, “Additional Academic Information”, and “Previous Conduct”)

8) After you have completed the application, complete the “Signature” portion and then review the application

9) After these steps are completed, you will be able to submit your application and pay the application fee of $30

*Please note that Letters of Recommendation are submitted through the CSDCAS application

Apply to UCF Graduate Studies for the Graduate Certificate in Autism Spectrum Disorders: 

1) Go to: 

2) Select the term you wish to apply for (Ex. Spring 2022, Summer 2022…)

3) Create user profile or log in to a pre-existing account

4) Start a new application

a. A window should pop-up saying “2022 Graduate Application”

b. Select “Create Application”

c. Select “Open Application”

5) Fill out applicable personal information for “Application Information”, “Personal Information”, and “Academic History”

6) Next, fill out the “UCF Degree Program Information”

a. Under “Are you applying to an online only program?” Select “Yes”

b. Under “Please select your level of study”, Select “Certificate”

c. Under “Please select your online academic program of study”, Select “Autism Spectrum Disorders Certificate”

d. Under “When do you plan to begin your studies”, select the term you wish to begin classes (Ex. Spring 2022, Summer 2022…)

7) Next, fill out the rest of the application (“State Licensure Disclosure”, “College of Community Innovation and Education Additional Information”, “Additional Academic Information”, and “Previous Conduct”)

8) After you have completed the application, complete the “Signature” portion and then review the application

9) After these steps are completed, you will be able to submit your application and pay the application fee of $30

*Please note that Letters of Recommendation are not required for the Graduate Certificate Application