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About Project ASD

Project ASD V, Preparing Special Educators in Autism Spectrum Disorders, is a Personnel Preparation Grant in UCF’s College of Community Innovation and Education. This project, funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, began in January 2004. As of December 2019, Project ASD has supported more than 370 scholars earning Masters Degrees in Exceptional Education and/or Graduate Certificates in ASD. Now in its fifth funding, Project ASD V is funded January 2016 through December 2021.

Project ASD VI, Preparing Special Education Teachers and Speech-Language Practitioners in Autism Spectrum Disorders, is an Interdisciplinary Personnel Preparation Grant in collaboration between UCF’s College of Community Innovation and Education and College of Health Professions and Sciences. This project, funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, began in 2019. Project ASD VI, funded January 2019 through December 2023, is designed to extend the work of Projects ASD I, II,III, IV and V.

UCF's Graduate Certificate in ASD is one of three programs approved by the Florida Department of Education as meeting requirements for State Endorsement in Autism. Project ASD scholars receive funding to complete a Master's Program of Study which incorporates the ASD certificate program. Financial assistance available to Project ASD participants includes: Tuition and fees (in-state resident rate) for approved courses, as well as support to attend state and national conferences.

Project ASD V Goals

Project ASD addresses gaps in services to students with autism spectrum disorders by implementing three primary goals:

1. Recruit high-quality graduate level scholars including those from traditionally underrepresented groups who have potential to become highly effective special educators for students with ASD.

2. Prepare scholars in an evidence-based special education program that includes field experiences in high poverty settings and leads to state certification in Exceptional Student Education and endorsement in ASD.

3. Retain scholars through completion of the program and induction into the profession through ongoing advisement, financial and academic support, and mentorship.

Project ASD VI Goals

Project ASD VI addresses gaps in services to students with autism spectrum disorders by implementing three primary goals:

1. Recruit high-quality graduate level scholars including those from traditionally underrepresented groups who have potential to become highly effective special educators and speech-language pathologists for students with ASD.

2. Prepare scholars in an evidence-based interdisciplinary (exceptional education and speech language pathology) program including field experiences in urban low SES settings and leading to a Graduate Certificate in ASD and Florida State Endorsement in Autism.

3. Retain scholars through completion of the program and induction into the profession through ongoing advisement, financial and academic support, and mentorship.