Week 07 - Digital Images


This week and next week we will be learning about using Digital Cameras and Creating Digital Images.

For Digital Images we will discuss

    • Basic Editing

    • Using Picasa to sort/manage/organize photos

    • Creating Projects

    • Using PowerPoint to create logos/elements

Resources and Tutorials

Learn more about Digital Images at the following places:



    1. Create a Public PicasaWeb Album/Slideshow

      • Include 5 relevant Content area photos

      • 10 modified images that demonstrate your understanding of Picasa

      • A photo collage

      • Modified images from Creative Commons (with proper attributions)

      • Create a custom banner for your Google Site

    2. Create captions and descriptions as needed for the photos

    3. Include both albums on your Google Site as Slideshows

Please submit this assignment at http://learn-uvu.uen.org


Find a YouTube video or other tutorial and share the link and what you learned as part of your reflection.

As the second paragraph of your reflection review Lynell Burmark's explanations of Visual Literacy and explain how it is related to your content area.