Week 09 - WebQuests: part 2


There are three aspects of learning to consider this week:

    1. Project Based Learning

    2. Checklists, Chubrics and Rubrics

    3. Big 6 Learning

Each of these can add their own flavor to using WebQuests and in fact can be used as the outline of effective learning activities for students.

Untitled presentation

Resources and Tutorials

Please use the following resources to investigate and learn about this weeks topics:


This week work with your group to organize and build your WebQuest. Choose the tool you are going to use and complete all the components you planned last week. Be careful to be focused in your planning. A common shortcoming is to develop a plan for a WebQuest (or other multimedia project) that is to grand in scope. It is better to create a WebQuest on: What were the causes of the Battle of Gettysburg than What were the social and economic conditions that led to the Civil War and how did they change during and after the war?

Submit the URL for your WebQuest at http://learn-uvu.uen.org


Use the Pioneer Library, especially EBSCO, or Edutopia to locate 1 article about working in groups. Post a link to the article with the following response.

    • Include a full citation or the full URL of the article.

    • Write a 2 to 3 paragraph response about What you learned, What that means to you today as a pre-service teacher, and What the implications will be for you in the classroom as a full-time teacher.

    • Consider the three following ideas in your response: group work, collaborative learning, cooperative learning.

Remember that you can use your my.uen login to access Pioneer or the student login given out in class.