Hodophile can be thought of as derived from 'hodos' (Greek) = path & 'philos' (Greek) = love; in a wider sense it can mean person who loves to travel. My affinity for travel has also helped me to become a naive photographer.


I have been fortunate to visit few of the global cities: London, New Castle, Kathmandu, New York, Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Milwaukee, Columbia, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Orlando and Miami; Indian cities including Mumbai, New Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata and nearby suburbs. While growing up, my parents made it a point to take my sister and me on a Summer vacation, thereby giving me a chance to explore mystical heights of Himalayas, lakes of Nainital, valley of Kashmir and tea gardens of Darjeeling skirting the Kanchenjunga range further leading to Gangtok. All this exposed me to different parts and cultures and presented me with an opportunity to befriend fellow travelers or locals. I got a chance to stay with Polish and French families. This got me a bit closer to the saying: "Before you die, you should have one true friend in each of the continents". While traveling, I am usually interested in discovering the city-specific architecture and culture, natural beauty which abounds everywhere and local traditions. All of this helps me to get a first-hand experience of the new place.

Till now there has been no exception to the fact: Irrespective of race, all of us have same emotional quotient. Check out this TEDx talk by Mr. Tomislav Perko which aptly highlights human nature (12:00 onwards).

My parents have played a vital role in me becoming a hodophile. This article by Ayush Guha best explains why every parent should gift their child travel and not expensive things.
