They, from the heaven, have a watchful sight..smiling with please at your manly fight. My hobbies of painting and poetry help me to steer away from negative thoughts.

Digital Art


An Andy Warhol - inspired visualization of a timeslice from a computational particle dynamics simulation of an additive manufacturing process. Warhol is considered the Pope of Pop Art and is well known for his paintings of Campbell's soup cans, Coke bottles, and portraits of Marilyn Monroe.

Pencil and Watercolors on Paper

Acrylics on Canvas

Marker on Whiteboard


Sonnet I: My...Self

A two-minute walk can make or break me..

Eyes look down on moon-lit self

Its heart mourns, “Is this what you want me to be?..

Can no longer keep these emotions in shelf!”

Tears refuse to break free..

don’t want to blur this image

Legs speed-up..trying to get rid of a tree

“am filled with rage..”

Soul continues to cry again

“enough...I can’t handle this pain”

With nothing to reply...eyes slowly shut down

Identity is lost

Every next day I wake up as a clown

Trying to figure out how to break this frost

Sonnet II: You­

A stroll through nature..

brings me close to you.

Uncertainty about my future..

discovers a new clue.

Cracking leaves under my feet,

hissing wind in my ears..

Ecstasy of this meet,

weakens all my fears.

I hear you in the burble,

I glimpse you on my hike.

The feeling has no verbal,

Was that you or some alike?

Time zones are shortened by few-a-mile,

With this walk through Ohiopyle..