Patrício, P. From the Shepard Tone to the Perpetual Melody Auditory Illusion. 9th Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC), Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark, 11-14 July 2012.

Patrício, P. MuDI – Multimédia Digital Instrument for Composing and Performing Digital Music for Films in Real-time. 12th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor – Michigan, USA, 21-23 May 2012.

Patrício, P. MuDI - Multimedia Digital Instrument for Composing and Performing Digital Music for Films in Real-time. Second Forum of Musical Itineraries - Music and Gesture, Lisbon, Portugal, 28-30 October 2011.

Patrício, P. From the Shepard Tone to the Perpetual Simple Melody Auditory Illusion. 3rd INForum - Symposium on Computer, Coimbra, Portugal, September 2011, 8-9 September 2011.


Patrício, P. Auditory Illusions: errors of the senses, truths of the perception, 2010 Workshops PhD, School of Arts - UCP, Porto, Portugal, 2 October 2010.


Patrício, P. The Music in the Silence Cinema and the Digital Musical Instrument. 12th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music (SBCM), Recife - Pernambuco, Brazil, 7-9 September 2009.

Patrício, P. Presentation by invitation: Article Review “The Art of Interface technology”, Peter Weibel, School of Arts, UCP – Porto, Portugal, 2009.

Patrício, P. Presentation by invitation: “Sounds Sound”, School of Arts, UCP – Porto, Portugal, 2009. 
