

2015 Doctor in Science and Technology of the School of Fine Arts of the Catholic University of Portugal.

2013 xCoAx Conference's Scientific Committee Member.

2010 Team Member of CITAR (Research Center For Science And Technology In Art). EA - UCP, Porto, Portugal.

2009 Fellow of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT).

2009 Trainer Course for the summer UCP - "Computer for Musical Composition", EA - UCP, Porto, Portugal.

2008 Portuguese Music Information Centre, CIMP -

2008 PhD Student in Computer Music, School of Arts (EA) - Portuguese Catholic University (UCP), Porto, Portugal. 

2008 Workshop "Systems of Sonorization for Audio Technicians" with Gustavo Almeida, ESMAE-IPP.

2007 Workshop "Music Interactivity" with Bruce Pennycook, ESMAE-IPP.

2007 Programming Course in Max/MSP/Jitter with Andre Bartetzki, Miso Music Portugal.

2007 Workshop "Spacialization and Interpretation with loudspeakers' Orchestra" with Miguel Azguime, Miso Music Portugal.

2007 Finalist in the Experimental audio competition in 4th Black&White Festival.

2006 Free Composition Course “Composition Techniques” with Eugénio Amorim, ESMAE-IPP.

2005 Composition Seminary “On Musiquantics” with Clarence Barlow, ESMAE-IPP.

2004 Composition Masterclass “Sonic Metamorphose” with Trevor Wishart, Miso Music Portugal.

2003-2006 Attended the classes of Introdution of Electro-Acoustic Music, Programming Music I and II, Analysis and Synthesis of Sound and Interactive Digital Systems at ESMAE-IPP (Superior School of Music and Arts of Spectacle, Porto – Portugal).

1999 CD PROMÚSICA/August, Lisbon.

1996 Self-publishing of the CD – S/TABU, Já Bardos.

1996 Registration in the Authors Portuguese Society (SPA).

1995 Private Classes of Guitar and Music Theory with Dr. Carlos Mendes. 

1991-1994 Attended the Jazz’s School of Porto - Portugal.
