
Welcome to the website for the Portland American Chemical Society annual Poster Symposium and Career Fair.

The 2022 poster symposium will be concurrent with the Pauling Medal Symposium, which is also being run by the Portland Section, on October 29. The Pauling Medalist is Professor Cynthia Burrows of the University of Utah. There will be no Career Fair or Recruiting aspect of the Poster Symposium this year.

Please click on the menu links above to get more information.

Photo © Martha GK Dibblee

If you have questions not answered by this website (or suggestions for making it better), contact Dave Reingold

Symposium Chair: Dave Reingold reingold@juniata.edu,

PSU Student Chapter ACS: pdx.saacs@gmail.com

Editing and publication: Martha Dibblee dibblee@hevanet.com