
We will be trying out crowd judging for the first time this year. What this means is, anyone can judge, and we hope everyone will judge.

Ground Rules:

1. You may not judge a division/level if you have any personal connection to any of the presenters (family, romantic, best friend, group member, etc)

2. To judge any division/level (e.g., Undergrad Inorganic) you must read all of the entries in that category, preferably also speaking with the presenters.

3. After reading all the entries in a category, simply decide which one is the best and vote for that entry. This may be by computer or paper, we are working on that, but we will have it figured out by then!

4. Feel free to move on to another category, judge as many as you like, as long as you meet rules 1 and 2.

5. We also hope to figure out a way for you to leave comments about any of the posters, students usually find these useful for future endeavors.