Poster Symposium

Graduate, Undergraduate and High School Students, and High School Teachers:

If you did research you want to present, at your home campus, at another campus, at a government lab, at a company, please consider presenting your results at the ACS/Pauling Poster Symposium. It does not need to be high impact work--just tell us what you did. The link to register is here.

We are accepting entries in the following divisions: Analytical, Biochemistry, Inorganic, Materials, Organic, Physical, and Promoting Inclusion. Researchers from non-chemistry departments are welcome, as long as there is some connection to chemistry. There will be prizes of $100 for best poster in each division for grad students and another $100 prize for non-grad students. Note that with seven divisions and 20-40 entries, your chances of winning a prize are pretty high!

The deadline for registering was October 15. Registrations are now closed. However, there will be unused slots at the symposium. If you have a poster you want to present, go ahead and bring it; if you find an open slot, put it up. However, you will not get into the program booklet and you will not be eligible for prizes.

Posters should conform to ACS guidelines, which are pretty flexible:

Note that posters over 4 feet long impinge on neighboring posters.

Day of Info: The Symposium will be in the Robertson Life Science Building, on Moody Avenue in Portland. Plan to arrive by 10:00AM. If you are driving, park in the OHSU Schnitzer Lot, also on Moody Avenue.

Poster spaces will be pre-assigned. We will have name badges and thumb tacks to mount posters.

Plan to be at your poster between 11AM and 1PM. Judging will occur during those times. Lunch will be provided for all presenters and attendees.

Please plan to leave your poster up for the afternoon, so people attending the Pauling Symposium can browse posters during the breaks and reception following. All presenters are invited to attend the symposium talks, the reception, and the dinner free of charge.

For this year, grad students, undergraduates, high school students and high school teachers from the Oregon Section and Puget Sound Section are invited to join us as presenters and will be eligible for prizes.

Photo © Martha GK Dibblee