About my Work, by Marga Rose Hancock
I have written, performed, and published poems and stories since my earliest years, and as a kid won writing prizes from Jack and Jill and Scholastic magazines ("Welcome to Rosedale Street").

*At Mirabeau B. Lamar High School in Houston, I co-chaired the Creative Writing Club, co-edited the Lamar Review poetry journal, and co-produced "Follow," an evening of poetry reading and performance, in 1964.

*As a member of the Poetry Club at Scripps College, I served on the editorial board for The Grain literary magazine.  "Aidenn" won the Ruth George Poetry Prize in 1968.  I wrote my thesis on the poetry of Emily Dickinson.

*In 1991, WINDOWS Art Gallery in Seattle presented a collaborative exhibit of my poems with photographs by Roger Williams, "Wilma Dream Come True."

*In 1996, I performed others' work and my own at Sandy Bradley's Potluck Gallery in Seattle, as "Tricks of Memory."

*In 2003, President Thom Penney of The American Institute of Architects appointed me AIA Poet Laureate, recognizing the contribution of my writing about architects to the advancement of the profession.

The pieces here, first posted in 2009, include writings and presentations from 1962 to 2017.