Foot Modification

This modification really saves a lot of frustration when you are putting the tail stock on the ways. I take it off and on (quite a bit) to give me more room to work. Without this modification every time you remove it, the foot spins around and will absolutely be misaligned the next time you install it. You will then need to bend down look at the end and spin it to get it on the ways properly. I found this mod on the web and made it in about an hour. Well worth the time and small amount of effort for the rewards it brings.

Basically it involves drilling a clearance (#9 bit) hole in the foot when it is aligned properly then use a transfer punch to mark the base of the tail stock, then drill and tap the hole. I used a 10-32 and #21 drill to a depth of about .3125. Notice in the picture that mine is tilted slightly. I did this because my foot sets slightly off to one side of bottom of the ways and I wanted to get an even clamping pressure when it was in place. Note in the top picture that the top of screw has been filed down a bit. I needed to do this to clear the end of the casting below the ways when I install the tail stock, but leave enough head out to be able to loosen the nut considerably. The screw head is about 1/4" below the bottom of the foot.

I found a spring in my spring box that was about the right length and diameter but had to cut it down a bit so as not to be at the bottom of compression when I tightened the clamp nut and still maintain a good spring action. I also used a couple of thin washers above and below the spring to give it a solid footing, as the hole up through the base is pretty large. I also added a Spring washer under the 10mm cinch nut to give a good feel when I lock down the tail stock.

The nice thing about this modification is that it can be left in place when using the Tailstock Cam Lock Kit as you can see on my Cam Lock Mod page. Now it's a no brainer to place and remove the tail stock at will!!