Contact PJ

If you would like to contact me please use the form below. The form is to minimize spam, as I detest it and those who perpetrate it. I will gladly answer your questions or comments as time permits, within a reasonable time frame. I look forward to constructive comments or questions about the site or the projects and mods I have made with the Mini.

This is the "New" Google - Not Google Form from Google Doc-Forms and have dropped it in for now. It's the size of Rhode Island and supposedly accessible from any device but Time will tell if it continues to work and if I continue to use it.

Circular File

If you stumbled on to this page from PJ's Knurl Calc page to get a hard copy of my Knurling spreadsheet, or if you were just trying to contact me which I have always appreciated and responded to...You will now find there is no Contact Form here. What The! The...Contact Me form is broken and requires a competent code jockey willing to tow the Google Line and somehow magically make it reappear now by building an App with the Eula of the most intrusive kind. This appears to be another Aplasia...afflicted on this simple site supplied by the omnipotence of Googles wisdom for free. Free is never have to work to maintain it...right? Unfortunately I have to think about whether I will spend the time to fix this also...or do something completely different....maybe walking like I was following John Cleese on Monte Python. Really antediluvian of me.

Truly sorry for the inconvenience of it all but do hope you understand my massive frustration...affectionately known as a Frubaroogle.

Till Then, ~PJ