8.15.20 Website update

Welcome to my updated website. As you can see the format has changed and appears to be HTML5 compliant and viewable on tablets and C-Phones. The tools are a bit lack luster, as in changing background colors and header backgrounds it functions pretty well. It was also a bit of a chore getting all the pages and text ported over but it feel pretty clean now.

I haven't posted much new in a while and has been a fair amount of water under the bridge, so to speak. We moved a while back, a few hours from where we used to live and it's taken a while to sort, sift and toss 20 years of accumulation from the old place and my huge storage unit. The best thing for me is I now have a 400 sq.ft. shop once again...And all my tools in one place again!! Yay!

Done a bunch of projects, mainly so I can do thing around and for the place but not much on the Mini at this point. Mainly focused on the shop, organization. I did finally finished the 1950 Craftsman King Seeley Drill press restoration which came out great and runs like a top and true, Plus built a special bench just for it. I've got some pics of the tear down and clean up and reassembly and will likely do a write up on here. Looking forward to getting back onto the 14" bed upgrade for the Mini, as soon as I finish the Table saw router extension table I'm building now....and some custom screens for the house (Craftsman style)...and whatever may pop up, the way things do.

Hemingway, it's been a journey the last few years and now IT is Mighty Fun to work with my mind and hands in a bigger, dedicated shop, making chips of whatever kind of material I need or want to. Thanks for stopping by and hope you enjoy the new look. I'll try to post more oftenerish. ;-P