Hunt & Peck

This method is used more than any I think, based on talking with people and research. People generally have difficulty with Knurling, at least in the beginning because of all the math, methods, tool standards on top of all the variables discussed previously.

It's really no wonder they just try their tools on what ever stock size they are working with to see how it goes. This method does work but it's excruciating to get a decent finished product.

All it involves is that you try your chosen knurl tool on the part and if it doesn't give a good first turn, you take off .002 to .010 off your stock and try again and again and again, till you get a decent knurl. The idea here is that you touch your tool to the material and apply a little pressure, then rotate the chuck by hand one or two revolutions, then inspect the lines created. If they aren't even or overlap, take a few thousandths off and try again.

If you consider the iterations of not having a Quick Change Tool Post and making sure the tool is square to the stock and center, and, could be there for hours, days or never get there, and creating Scrap along the way. I think you get the IDEA so I will not spend any more time on this method...because I actually don't have the patience of Job. ~¿@

My Method, PJ's Knurl Calc, Techniques