PJ's Knurl Calc

I do hope these pages help others to understand and learn about the knurling process and what it takes to achieve "Good Knurls" consistently. It was a long journey for me with many trials and test runs and various iterations of the spreadsheet I created. I was encouraged by others to create an online version and did so, but the maintenance and continual changes in web coding have led me away from that. I want to thank the hundreds of contacts, requests, feedback and kudo's I have received over the last few years since I posted this here on my little site and do hope it serves the community well for a long time.

It was never my intention to sell this spreadsheet, only to offer it up to any that struggled with knurling as I did in the beginning as a "Pay It Forward" for all the other people who helped me along the way, and the great sites and forums that share their information and hard work so freely. However, I have decided to post the working spreadsheet for download at a modest price on the great HomemadeTools forum which I have gratefully been a member of since September of 2014. I can not recommend this forum strongly enough, but can say the members and the staff there are some of the finest people I have had the pleasure of getting to know. There is something of interest there for almost any interest you can think of and I learn something every day I sign in! That is a real treasure for me and my eclectic interests and ways. I invite you to check it out and browse the topics of interest and by all means join in the great discussions, you won't regret it.

If you would like an Excel version of my spreadsheet you can purchase it for a modest $5 at HomemadeTools.net, of which the first 1000 copies proceeds will be donated to this great forum in keeping with my original intentions.

Spreadsheet basics

This is a simple to use spreadsheet with two sheets that allow you to calculate material diameters in Imperial (US) and Metric forms based on your knurl diameters. It is pre-loaded with LMS and some Zeus (metric) knurl wheel data.

Additionally there is a section below the main table (on each sheet) that allows you to enter your tooth count and measured wheel diameters for the most accurate diameters of material size, ensuring you will get good knurls every time. Once you enter the data for "Your Wheels" the Calculator Cells will automatically populate.

I have also added "Material to Remove" row that will automatically calculate how much material to remove based on your material measurement. I found this quite handy after taking a skim cut or working with odd size materials that I could use my compound dial setting to remove the necessary material prior to setting up the knurling tool.

Please note: All cells are locked except the "data entry" cells to insure the integrity of the labels, formulas, functions and tables built into the spreadsheet. If you would like to learn more about how the spreadsheet works and how I developed it you can visit my knurling pages and read (slog through) my dissertation.

It's Been Quite a Journey which now feels complete and in a good Home at HomemadeTools.net. I hope you have a wonderful journey and some Happy Knurling adventures! If you have questions or comments you can leave them on the forum page or PM me as a member as my contact form on this site is still not working. Ok Then I have added the new form back in so you may contact me.

Enjoy, and Happy Knurling! ~PJ
