


Noise estimation


In order to enable the reproducibility of the experiments proposed in my papers and to promote the developed methods, the main majority of my algorithms are freely available on-line under Matlab C-MEX codes. The shared source codes are copyrighted and can be used for personal and academic utilization only. Please, do not forget to cite the corresponding papers. Finally, do not hesitate to contact me for: bug reports, code modifications, integration of my methods in your open source softwares.

Some of my methods are included in well-known open source softwares such as MincTool, VBM8 or MedINRIA. This has been done to facilitate their utilizations but their implementations can differ from original papers. Therefore, I suggest to use original C-MEX codes for method comparison in your papers and to use software implementation for your image processing or pipeline design.

For commercial use of the proposed methods (protected or patented), licenses can be obtained by contacting me.