
2024, July: Program Chair of the International MIDL conference, Paris, France

2024, July: Program Committee of the national RFIA conference, Lille, France

2024, March: Scientific Committee of the national IABM conference, Paris, France

2023, Sept: Chairman at the RFMASA conference, Bordeaux, France

2023, July: Area Chair members of the International MIDL conference Nashville, USA

2023, March: Scientific Committee of the national IABM conference Paris, France

2022, July: Technical Committee members of the International MIDL conference Zurich, Germany

2022, July: Program Committee of the national RFIA conference Vannes, France

2021, July: Area Chair of the International MIDL conference Lübeck, Germany

2020, July: Area Chair of the International MIDL conference Montréal, Canada

2020, Jan: co-Organizer of the National Day on Health and IA Paris, France

2019, April: Chairman of the Medical informatics & big data session; Bordeaux, France

2018, Sept: co-Organizer of the Patch-MI MICCAI Workshop Grenada, Spain

2017, Oct: co-Organizer of the Patch-MI MICCAI Workshop Quebec, Canada

2017, Oct: Program Committee  at MLMI MICCAI Workshop Quebec, Canada

2016, Oct: co-Organizer of the Patch-MI MICCAI Workshop Athens, Greece

2016, Oct: Program Committee  at MLMI MICCAI Workshop Munich, Germany

2015, Oct: co-Organizer of the Patch-MI MICCAI Workshop Munich, Germany

2014, Sept: Program Committee and Chairman at MLMI MICCAI Workshop MIT, Boston, USA

2012-2015: co-Organizer and co-Chairman of the Image Processing Workshops LaBRI UMR 5800 / IMB UMR 5251 / IMS UMR 5218

2011-2013: co-Organizer and co-Chairman of the Inverse Problem Seminars LaBRI UMR 5800 / IMB UMR 5251 / IMS UMR 5218

2011-2012: Organizer and Chairman of the Medical imaging Workshops, LaBRI UMR 5800

2004: Organization committee of MICCAI 2004 St Malo, France