30 March 2019: BNCPAP Colloquium at the Royal Academy

QUANTUM INFORMATION: The second quantum revolution?


9h40 Welcome

10h00 Prof. David DIVINCENZO (FZ Juelich and RWTH Aachen)

Introduction to Quantum Information.

Prof. Stephanie WEHNER (QUTech, Univ. Delft)

Quantum Communication and Encryption.

12h30 Poster Session by the Belgian Research Institutions and Lunch

14h15 Prof. Dorit AHARONOV (Hebrew Univ. Jerusalem)

Quantum Computing, Conceptual Aspects and Challenges.

Prof. Immanuel BLOCH (MPI Quantum Optics, Garching)

Quantum Simulations for Condensed Matter Physics.

Prof. Vijay BALASUBRAMANIAN (Univ. Pennsylvania)

Combining High Energy Physics and Quantum Information Theory.

17h00 Closing and Reception

Colloquium presentations and abstracts can be found below:

Bloch on YouTube - Realizing Feynman's Dream of a Quantum Simulator