Reports on Research Activities
The original editors of the reports are Belgian scientists that were nominated by the BNCPAP to represent Belgium in the respective IUPAP Commissions. Final editing was provided by the BNCPAP. First publication was in 2006, in Physicalia Magazine, with further posting on our own website and on that of the Belgian Physical Society (see links).
Since that first effort, new research topics have emerged and new talents have joined the various fields. The BNCPAP regularly updates the reports with the help of the Belgian physics network. The field of Medical Physics was added in 2011 to achieve an even wider coverage. All updates are first published in BPhy magazine, and remain then also available in the archives of BPhy's website.
The BNCPAP wishes to express its sincere gratitude to all those who contributed generously since 2006 to the reports:
J-P. Antoine (UCLouvain), C. Bartic (KULeuven), D. Bertrand (ULBruxelles), E. Biémont (ULiège, UMons), G. Borghs (IMEC), Y. Bruynseraede (KULeuven), D. Callebaut (UAntwerpen), E. Carlon (KULeuven), N. Cerf (ULB), C. De Clercq (VUBrussel), B. Cleuren (UHasselt), P. Defrance (UCLouvain), H. Dejonghe (UGent), J. D'Hondt ((VUB), H. Eisendrath (VUBrussel), L. Favart (ULB), J-M. Frère (ULBruxelles), Y. Frémat (ROB), H.P. Garnir (ULiège), P. Gaspard (ULBruxelles), X. Gonze (UCLouvain), K. Heyde (UGent), M. Huyse (KULeuven), E. Janssens (KULeuven), A. Jorissen (ULBruxelles), Ph. Lambin (UNamur), C. Maes (KULeuven), F.Maltoni (UCLouvain), T. Metens (ULBruxelles), F. Peeters (UAntwerpen), G-M Rignanese (UCLouvain), N. Severijns (KULeuven), K. Temst (KULeuven), X. Urbain (UCLouvain), P. Van Duppen (KULeuven), S. Van Eck (ULBruxelles), B. Van Wayenberge (UGent), I. Veretennicoff (VUBrussel), R. Weynants (KMS-ERM), F. Wuyts (UAntwerpen).