Welcome to the BNCPAP

The Belgian National Committee for Pure and Applied Physics

(Nationaal Comité voor Zuivere en Toegepaste Natuurkunde - Comité National de Physique Pure et Appliquée)

Our Mandate:

The Belgian National Committee for Pure and Applied Physics has been created by the Royal Academies for Science and the Arts of Belgium RASAB). It contributes to the promotion and coordination of Belgian activities concerning Pure and Applied Physics.

At the international level it ensures Belgium’s representation in IUPAP, the International Union for Pure and Applied Physics.

The mission of IUPAP is to assist in the worldwide development of physics, to foster international cooperation in physics, and to help in the application of physics toward solving problems of concern to humanity.

IUPAP carries out this mission by sponsoring international meetings, fostering communications and publications,encouraging research and education, fostering the free circulation of scientists, promoting international agreements on symbols, units and nomenclature and cooperating with other organizations on disciplinary and interdisciplinary problems.

In order to reach those goals, IUPAP has created a series of scientific commissions covering most of the disciplines of physics:

C1. Commission on Finances

C2. Commission on Symbols, Units, Nomenclature, Atomic Masses & Fundamental Constants (SUNAMCO)

C3. Commission on Statistical Physics

C4. Commission on Astroparticle Physics

C5. Commission on Low Temperature Physics

C6. Commission on Biological Physics

C8. Commission on Semiconductors

C9. Commission on Magnetism

C10. Commission on the Structure and Dynamics of Condensed Matter

C11. Commission on Particles and Fields

C12. Commission on Nuclear Physics

C13. Commission on Physics Development

C14. Commission on Physics Education

C15. Commission on Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics

C16. Commission on Plasma Physics

C17. Commission on Laser Physics and Photonics

C18. Commission on Mathematical Physics

C19. Commission on Astrophysics

C20. Commission on Computational Physics