Research in Physics in Belgium
The BNCPAP considers it within its mandate to widely advertise the many tantalizing and multifaceted research activities that are taking place in Physics in Belgium, in a format that allows ready consultation by scholars, policy makers and industrials alike.
To this end, the BNCPAP
1. Compiles short reports on the main physical research topics, both theoretical and experimental. For the breakdown in work packages, it was decided to adopt, with minor changes, the subdivision in commissions used by IUPAP, the International Union for Pure and Applied Physics. The following 15 subfields resulted:
“Mathematical Physics; Statistical Physics; Computational Physics; Fundamental Interactions (grouping earlier IUPAP commissions on Particles, Fields and Cosmic Rays); Nuclear Physics; Atomic and Molecular Physics; Plasma Physics; Astrophysics; Magnetism; Quantum Electronics and Photonics; Structure and Dynamics of Condensed Matter; Semiconductors; Biological Physics; Physics for Development; Physics Education”.
2. Created a forum where the Belgian Research Groups can advertise their upcoming events.