PTC Legal

PTC PAIA manual Aug 2023.pdf
PTC POPIA Customer Privacy Notice Aug 2023.pdf

Company Registration:

Company name: Peter Tobin Consultancy CC 

Company registration number: CK1994/007782/23

Registered postal address:

P O Box 87719

Houghton 2041

South Africa


Peter Tobin Consultancy CC Members:

 Dr Peter Tobin (British)

Ingrid Tobin (South African)

 Black Economic Empowerment Status:

Peter Tobin Consultancy has achieved official Exempt Micro-Enterprise status , and is a level 4 contributor to B-BBEE with 100% Procurement Recognition. A copy of the certificate is available on request.

 PTC Tax Clearance:

Peter Tobin Consultancy is in Good Standing with the South African revenue Services (SARS). A copy of the certificate is available on request.

PTC Registration on Central Supplier Database for SA Government:

PTC is registered on the CSD at with supplier number MAAA0000125. A copy of the full CSD registration report is available on request.

Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA) Manual:

Please see the document at the top of this page for the PTC PAIA Manual.

Privacy notice in terms of Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013

Please see the document at the head of this page for the PTC POPI Act Customer Privacy Notice.


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