A dedicated, realistic, creative, happy, and uncomplicated entrepreneur!

Na imagem a preto e branco vê-se uma máquina de fotografar antiga segura por duas mãos.
FOTO/PHOTO: Canvas.com

From the entrepreneur to the communicator


Welcome to my world!

I am a determined entrepreneur, firmly grounded and with a boundless creative mind. I am always focused on creating solutions that add value to every project I undertake.

Autonomy and responsibility are like my life motto, but that doesn't stop me from loving to work in teams, learn, and share knowledge. I am truly extroverted, I love a good conversation, diving headfirst into challenges, and I am always willing to give my best.

I firmly believe in the common good and detest any form of lack of commitment, lack of effort, or lack of transparency. I am an advocate for forthrightness and honesty in all interactions.

As a researcher, my interests range from education to political studies, through open innovation and sustainable design, I am always seeking new ways to make a difference. In recent years, my research has focused on the processes of institutional transformation from a welfare state model of protection from the industrial era to a post-industrial activation regime, with the independent living paradigm as a reference.

In rare moments of leisure, you can find me writing, editing photos and videos, or simply enjoying good music.

Professionally, I consider my character and responsibility as my fundamental strengths. I am constantly evolving, and currently, I am working on improving human resource management to become an even more effective leader.

This is my world, and I am excited to share it with you. Join me on this journey of growth, learning, and creating positive impact!


Born with a disability, I learned early on that personal transformation is key and that others will only see value in us if we value ourselves. In this area, I have written numerous articles, studies, and communications, all centered on the principles of sustainable innovation and the philosophy of the Independent Living Movement.

From 2009 to 2019, I co-founded and served as the chairman of the board of the Portuguese Institute for Citizenship and Independent Living (IPCVI), a knowledge and technology transfer center focused on creating and spreading solutions that enable citizens with disabilities to fully participate in society.