
In the readings, Daniel describes how "one like a son of man" receives sovereignty from one of great age. One commentary says: "The great event foretold in this passage, is Christ's glorious coming, to destroy every antichristian power, and to render his own kingdom universal upon earth." In his letter, St Peter witnesses to the transfiguration, described by St Matthew. All is snowy-white, majestic and enthroned. St Peter says: "it is wonderful for us to be here".

We seldom see God's majesty yet we know it's a heartbeat away, veiled only temporarily by this creation. A feast like this one reminds us, as we necessarily bear our daily crosses, of the glory which awaits. Perhaps all we can do is say how wonderful it is; maybe that suffices for gratitude and worship. We can add nothing to God's glory and sometimes an awe-filled gasp is the best commentary, the best prayer.