New Data

I am involved in the collection of different novel data sets. Among those are

Digital Transformation & Evolution of Skill Demands - reflected in Vacancy Data (joint with C. Wunsch, U Basel)

    • We create a large-scale data base which is based on detailed vacancy data from job ads. This data base will allow for a more detailed look into how skill demand patterns evolve due to the ongoing digital transformation

Fine-grained Linked Trade & Labour Register Data (joint with P. Egger and K. Erhardt, ETH Zurich, Mathias Gubler, Swiss National Bank, and Philip Sauré, U Mainz)

    • Trade register data (import/export) and individual-level labour register data (social security, unemployment insurance) are linked at the firm level for Switzerland

    • Analysis of the impact of trade shocks (and/or further structural changes) on individual labour market outcomes and inequality

Swiss Linked Social Security & Unemployment Insurance Datase (for different projects)

    • Linked register data base for the analysis of current reforms in unemployment insurance and of job search behavior & employment outcomes

    • Depending on the project, the data base is linked to survey information, to a field experiment or to information about caseworker assignments etc.

"Too Confident? Measurement of Self-Evaluation and Overconfidence in Different Life Domains" (joint with Lorenz Goette, U Lausanne, and Nicolas Ziebarth, Cornell U)

    • New survey module within SOEP Innovation (SOEP-IS), a sub-sample of the German Socio-Economic Panel

    • Abstract

“Assessing Labor Market Chances: Expectations, Self-Assessment and Attitudes of German Welfare Recipients” (joint with C. Wunsch, U Basel)

    • New survey module within PASS (Panel ‘Labour Market and Social Security’), the annual household panel survey on German welfare recipients and low income individuals, run by the German Federal Employment Agency, Institute for Employment Research (IAB)

    • Abstract

See also...

--> Working Papers

--> Work-in-progress

--> Research Grants