Take Two Tablets

Post date: Jul 2, 2011 6:11:55 PM

No, we're not issuing 10 new Commandments, or prescribing new medications.

3qual is spreading to tablets!

Before today, if you tried to play 3qual on an Android tablet, you had the unpleasant experience of playing a phone-sized game on a tablet-sized device.

No more!

We've done a (simple) upsize of the cards, buttons, and text, so that you can enjoy a less squinty experience of playing the game using the increased real estate a tablet provides.

Since we give you a free game and ask for just $1 donations, we're not rich here at 3qual HQ, so we don't have Androi tablets to test on. If you have one, please send it to us! Or, at least download the game and send us an email with a screen shot, photograph, or beautifully written description tp show us how the game looks on your device. If you do, we'll give you our enduring gratitude, and a free copy of the game (in case you hadn't found it yet. It's hiding.)

You may notice that we don't use *all* the space on your tablet. That's not (just) because tablets have funky resolutions and aspect ratios. It's because we are working on putting together a 2-player version of 3qual! It's like nothing ever seen before (on Android, at least) (especially not here). We'll use that extra tablet space for multi-player stuff like per-player score information.

Got more ideas for 3qual? Sure you do. Post them in the comments!