3qual goes social! Share your Score, and Challenge a Friend!

Post date: Jul 2, 2011 6:00:30 PM

It took us a while, but 3qual is now (a little bit) social.

We've added a new "Email your friend" button on the end-game Score screen. With one click, 3qual will copy the Score page for you to send to a friend to show off your sub-5-minute game (wow!), Flawless Completion, or your grit and determination of playing through to end no matter how many minutes, Hints, and Extra Deals, it takes.

Included in the email is something we call a "shuffle seed". This is a special code that represents the exact order that the deck was shuffled when you play your game. Your friends can use this code to play the same shuffle you did, and see if they can finish the deck faster than you.

There are other ways to use the shuffle code, too:

* If you are a sneaky snake, you can replay the same shuffle over and over yourself until you get a super-fast time.

* If you are curious, you can try a *different* way you can play the same deck, by looking for different matched sets that you didn't pick the first time through.

Download the latest version of 3qual in the Android Market, or play online now!