Community Showcase November 2022

Consorzio ARCA - Viale delle Scienze edificio 16 Palermo, 90128 Palermo

November 15, 2022: Mobile World


  • 17:00 - 17:30: What is Flutter and how can speed up your work?
    Carlo Lucera, Google Developer Expert Flutter & Dart
    Mobile development requires fast deploy, any shortcut to a better time to market is a huge advantage in modern companies. Flutter helps you by reducing the time (and money!) needed by giving a powerful and portable framework capable to build applications for multiple platforms with a unique codebase! Let's discover the Framework that changed the way I work on Android and iOS applications.

  • 17:30 - 18:00: Android & Github Actions: Improve your workflow
    Francesco Bonnì, Senior Android Engineer @ Subito
    Automation is a fundamental principle for success, and CI/CD is a critical component. CI/CD assists in reducing risks and accelerating time to market. This talk will introduce you to CI/CD, how to use Github Actions to automate your app from testing to store publishing and improve your daily workflow.

  • 18:00 - 18:30: Yet Another KMP*
    Ilker Aslan, Android @ Angelini Consumer
    The need to share the common logic across different platforms increases on a daily basis. Kotlin Multiplatform is one of the most popular frameworks that lets you do this quickly. This talk will give you a brief introduction to the framework, and try to discover the underlying mechanisms together. At the end of the talk, hopefully you will have an overall information about Kotlin Multiplatform, and its pros and cons.

  • 18:30 - 19:00: Compose: State all the things!
    Fausto Napoli, Android Engineer @ Subito
    Jetpack Compose UI on Android is all the rage these days, steadily ditching XML layouts. But what is it all about? In this talk we'll explore how to "think four-dimensionally" when using it coming from XML.

November 22, 2022: Desktop World


  • 17:00 - 17:30: What does a senior developer do?
    Sasa Sekulic, CTO @ Develhope
    We all know that developers should write code, but what else should they do? What is expected of a senior developer? The most important skill is communication, because most company problems are basically communication problems at various levels.

  • 17:30 - 18:00: Hands on: Object recognition with Angular, Firebase and Google Cloud Platform
    Francesca Motisi, Innovation Manager & Software Architect @ Cloudmind
    Object recognition usually means a lot of work, commitment and teams' headache: ML, training image set, cost of infrastructure, etc. Google Cloud Platform offers a seamless product to easily perform Object detection, reducing any extra cost and providing only the joy to develop it. In this talk we will see together how to implement an object recognition system with Angular, Firebase and GCP.

  • 18:00 - 18:40: Wordpress + Laravel Mix: develop a theme with a modern development workflow
    Claudio La Barbera, Senior Web Developer @ Angelini Consumer
    When you are used to working with a modern workflow it is always painful to go back to working with the classic Wordpress workflow, because you would like to use tools like Webpack to compile your CSS and JavaScript. Laravel Mix helps us to configure these instruments in a simple way and provides us with an easily chainable set of build tools.

  • 18:40 - 19:00: A Dialogflow Bot, using Node.js, MySQL and Gmail
    Francesco Passantino, GDG Palermo
    Dialogflow makes it easy to design and integrate a conversational bot for mobile apps and web applications, to provide engaging ways for users to interact with your services. With this talk we will demonstrate how it's simple to create Intents in the appropriate Context, to activate Training phrases, recognize or request Action and Parameters, elaborating the appropriate Responses and connect to Fulfillments, like sending an email or reading/writing a database.