About Cub Scout Pack 896

Cub Scout Pack 896 was founded in 2007 to serve youth in north Rockwall County and the surrounding area as a Family Cub Scout Pack. It provides the Boy Scouts of America's elementary age Scouting program, Cub Scouts, to both boys and girls in K-5th grades. Scouting is more than an organization, it is a way of life for our Pack and each year we look forward to spending more time outdoors, instilling important family values in our children, and helping our community.

The Pack

Pack 896 is a FAMILY PACK, which means we have Boy Dens and Girl Dens. Together, all of our Dens are called a Pack. Once a month, we all will get together to recognize our Scouts for their hard work at a Pack Meeting. The entire Pack will also get together for other activities throughout the year like Family Campouts, the Pinewood Derby, and the Blue & Gold Banquet.

We strive to do our best on every project we take on. Over the years, our Scouts have earned a plethora of achievements and awards. Our Pack frequently attends BSA Circle 10 Council events such as Cub Fun Days and Parent-N-Pals camping weekends plus East Trinity Trails District events such as Cuborees and Twilight Camps. Scouts also attend sport-themed Scout-night events with the Texas Rangers, Dallas Cowboys, Frisco RoughRiders, Dallas Mavericks, Dallas Stars and more. 

The Den

Youth are divided by grade level and assigned to groups called Dens, which are then further divided into Boy Dens and Girls Dens. Individual Dens meet together several times a month to work on activities and adventures together. Sometimes, Dens will meet on different nights or locations depending on the planned activity. 

Lion Den: Kindergarten     |      Tiger Den: 1st Grade     |      Wolf Den: 2nd Grade
Bear Den: 3rd Grade     |     Webelos I Den: 4th Grade     |     Webelos II (AOL) Den: 5th Grade

The Meetings

Meetings are held several times a month throughout the school year, September-May. During summer months, we switch to monthly Pack activities to accommodate vacations and Scout summer camps. 

In addition to Scout meetings, we have a monthly Pack Committee Meetings that we courage all parents to attend.  These meetings are where parents and Pack Leaders gather to plan each month's meetings, events, activities and campouts.

For 2023-2024, our current meeting schedule is: 

Den Meetings

Pack Meetings

Parent Pack Committee Meetings

The Leaders

Just like every Cub Scout Pack, Pack 896 is entirely run by our Scouts' parents. Scouting is a family activity, so there will always be some level of involvement by every Mom, Dad, Aunt, Uncle, Grandparent, and so on...You get the picture.  A few of our parents like to get extra involved and even put on their own uniform! Our Pack wouldn't run without these crucial volunteers. Here are a few to be familiar with: The CUBMASTER is the parent who coordinates/leads the monthly Pack Meeting. The COMMITTEE CHAIR is the parent who runs/leads the monthly parent (Pack Committee) meeting. A DEN LEADER is a parent who coordinates/leads the weekly Den Meeting with the other Den Parents.

The Uniform

Pack 896 requires all of our Scouts to purchase and wear the official Cub Scout Uniform (referred to as a  Class A Uniform) to Pack Meetings, Public Events and Special Pack Events. Click here for more information on Uniforms.

Pack 896 will provide a Pack T-shirt (referred to as a Class B Uniform), to wear at campouts, outdoor activities, or at Den Leader's discretion.

In addition, to the Class A Uniform, it's recommended that Scouts purchase the Handbook appropriate for their rank.

The Cost

Pack 896 collects an annual program fee (dues) per Scout in the fall, which pays for the next year's registration, Den supplies, awards, activities, campouts, etc.  The GREAT NEWS is up to 100% of the annual dues can be covered by participating in our Pack fundraisers. 

Uniforms and handbooks are not included in the annual program fee. Financial aid for initial program registration/membership (application), uniforms, etc. may be available through Circle Ten Council. Let us know if we can help - Pack 896 never wants financial obstacles to be a barrier to Scouting!

Every Pack is a little bit different, and Pack 896 wants your family to find the perfect fit in Scouting! If you have any questions please Contact Us.

If you would like information on other Cub Scout Packs please visit:  Be A Scout