Genetics of Culture

This web page is associated with a book called called Reverse Engineering the Universe.

The book can be bought at:

The book gives a more complete explanation of these issues and includes a number of related topic discussions. The combination develops the understanding of these concepts from a number of viewpoints.

Chapter Divider

Genetics of Culture:

Stories are not transferable between cultures because the allegories are typed (e. g. King Arthur, Daniel Boon, Sun Yat-sen, Gandhi).

Understanding culture requires that we recognize the meaning of those stories as they are woven into the fabric of the society.

In language, sounds are interpreted into words. The rules for this are part of understanding language and relates to the set of sounds available. We then put these processes together into a sentence that ultimately can allow us to make sense out of a communication.

Inner Sentence Structure

In culture the same process is related to the rules for a good story, and the stories that have emerged from those rules. Everyday activities are recognized as relating to story parts. Thi creates a path for emergence of meaning.


The genetics of culture is in the stories we tell.

Dr. Jerome Heath

Reverse Engineering the Universe

Story Picture