
This web page is associated with a book called called Reverse Engineering the Universe.

The book can be bought at:

The book gives a more complete explanation of these issues and includes a number of related topic discussions. The combination develops the understanding of these concepts from a number of viewpoints.

Chapter Divider

Temperature is a measure of the average energy of the molecules in some material. Clausius needed to define temperature as a thermodynamic quantity; thus it was not necessarily the value we measure with a thermometer. The temperature is the change in energy divided by the change in entropy (T = ∂E/dS). This was to make sure the temperature was a thermodynamic quantity and not just a physical manifestation of that quantity.

Thermometer GIF

If energy is easily converted into other forms of energy then the normal thermodynamic concepts are true. This provides the route to equilibrium and the measure of efficiency of energy conversion through the action of entropy. But if the energy of a system is not heat energy and is not readily converted to heat energy that energy system is isolated and the energy equations are only applicable within. Then the definition of the thermodynamic temperature will be internal to that system. Such a temperature then can affect the outcome of entropy relationships within that system.

Energy Barrior
Entropic Coordination

Entropic Coordination

Meanwhile back at the tornado. The emphasis I find in other peoples analyses of Bernoulli seems to be based on thermodynamic equations, not molecular processes. The Bernoulli process in thermodynamic equations is based on preservation of enthalpy. But enthalpy assumes the fluid involved is a continuous material (ether-like) and this material holds its internal state. But the fluid is not continuous and any state is held by little molecules that are bouncing off each other. Enthalpy is a sum (approximate) of all the molecular activity that occurs in the fluid. Enthalpy has nothing to do with what happens in the fluid. Through the probabilities of such bouncing and the result of many molecules bouncing and over a real time, the average will look like preservation of enthalpy. The statistical rules must favor such preservation but the real activity is probabilistic and not some thermodynamic “deterministic forces”.

Nominal Distribution

So my little study of the tornado has something to say about what happens in the bouncing of molecules. There are no holes in a gas or liquid like we have in electrical circuitry. The motion of particles must be from the high pressure to a lower pressure. The motion itself lowers the pressure. The group motion causes the drop in pressure by the way the molecules bounce. The overall results is the preservation of enthalpy - but the process is not the preservation of enthalpy.

Pressure Gradiant

There is also the Coriolis effect. As the molecules move at high enough speeds the Coriolis effect causes them to be deflected so they have difficulty reaching the aimed at goal.

All this becomes meaningful when there is a strong source of lower pressure that is fairly continuous. One day I was watching a tornado form. Now I know that is not a good idea. And they made us quickly leave the entrance to the mall and go to some shelter area within; for our safety. But I saw enough. As the tail dropped there was this spinning tunnel of Schlierin optics forming obviously many layers spinning around the tail. Incoming “high” presser air was accelerated into spinning sheets. Its not enthalpy; its molecules. So we have the barrier to a quick passage to equilibrium. And we have the beautiful but dangerous column of air we are awed by every summer.

Reverse Engineering the Universe Frontcover
Storm Clouds