
This web page is associated with a book called called Harmonics of Nature.

The book can be bought at: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Dr_Jerome_Heath_Harmonics_of_Nature?id=OPUrCwAAQBAJ

This book discusses the concepts of Natural Harmonics. It develops the details of this interesting subject, including demonstrating Natural Harmonics as a viable natural phenomena.

Chapter Divider

At equilibrium the molecules are not at rest; as distinct from my early ideas about equilibrium. Equilibrium requires that the the overall distribution of energy follows a certain bell shaped curve (temperature related). The distribution of energy in our air sample is the entropy

Energy Distribution vs Energy

Distribution of Energy, Graphed by Energy Level, at Equilibrium

But at equilibrium the distribution of energy is not related to the physical dimensions of the container (or any other limitation). The bell curve is related to energy levels on average not the position of those energy levels in the canister. That bell curve versus energy level is a characteristic of equilibrium. Inside our container there is no bell shaped distribution of energy on distance. The motions of the molecules are quit chaotic. They are at equilibrium but the individual molecules do not show this.

Energy Distribution over Physical Space

Distribution Energy, Graphed Across the Media, at Equilibrium

This represents the fact that the energy distribution at equilibrium is not a smooth curve.

On the whole the system is in equilibrium but the energy differences in local areas of the system make it possible for local disturbances (perturbations) to effect the system in a special way. The perturbation can affect the distribution of energy in the system without having an effect on the equilibrium. The local imbalances help the perturbation to produce wave like forms which balance out the energy average that equilibrium requires but provides information to the system about the perturbations and the about the system. The wave form balances local low and high energy to produce no change in energy or overall distribution of energy. The wave signal goes out and about the system and provides information about the perturbation and through reflected waves provides information about the system itself. All this without affecting the equilibrium of the system. This involves local energy and balances local energy. It does not affect global energy issues.

Oscilloscope Trace of the “AH” Sound:

Wave Mechanics of Entropy

from: http://www.lightandmatter.com/html_books/0sn/ch06/ch06.html

(html version of Simple Nature, by Benjamin Crowell)

Under certain circumstances the air molecules in a system can be manipulated to form wave patterns . A typical example is the process of talking (resulting often in hearing). A long tube (pipe) that has controllable shapes like teeth, tongue, and lips to alter it, produces wavelike signals that can be heard and interpreted. In fact the amount of information that can be expressed is quite huge. The information can be “sent” a considerable distance and the wave forms are still quite interpretable, through human hearing. Typical Newtonian explanations of this are are tedious, long, complicated, and contradictory. But the Newtonian theorists insist they will solve the puzzle - someday. The problem is that entropy is not a Newtonian process.

So when the system shows a wave form of some kind, that wave form is merely the organization of the present energy distribution of the system (entropy) from random to wavelike due to some excitement and some constraints. Entropy is the “dealer” since it is the source of energy for the ordering of the distribution into some wave-like form, under constraint. The dealing is specifically restricted by the particular constraints on the system. These constraints would have an effect on the range of distribution of energy (entropy) and not on the overall average energy.


Harmonics of Nature

The Entropy of Waves

In ocean waves, the energy from entropy is based on the wave process being of two dimensions in stead of three. Waves always line up in long rows with the waves traveling direction perpendicular to the row. Winds and other phenomena excite the water to make waves. The water is then attracted into this row formation. The attraction has to do with entropy. We discuss this later. The result is that the wave form process is just in two dimensions; many slices of “two dimensional” cycling; pressed together into the wave. Now, if our water has an entropy of 10; then the plane of action has an entropy of 4.642. Thus the system can shed 53.6% of its entropy “energy” to help amplify the wave. This gain helps organize the waves in long sections of planes that will break together and it also helps to stimulate the cycling within the wave.

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Videos Show Multiple Waves Crossing Each Other

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Harmonics of Nature

Dr. Jerome Heath