Officer Positions We Thought Were a Good Idea, But Then We Changed Our Mind

Once upon a time, Econ Club had a Treasurer. This was back in the days when we charged dues for people to be members and needed someone to collect and manage the money.

Then came the glorious day when the club received corporate sponsorship and dues went away, along with the need for a treasurer.

Unfortunately, the club has mostly relied on funding from oil companies so we might need to reinstate the position...and start collecting dues.

Just kidding, when we reinstated the position this year, we got some money from SGA, so we need to keep track of it to spend it.

Once upon a time, Econ Club had a position called "operations officer" and the main responsibilities associated with this role included something about operations and trying to explain to people exactly what an operations officer does.

The title confused people, it looked weird on a resume, and no one really knew what to do with the position, so we got rid of it.

Once upon a time, Econ Club had a position called "Senior Vice President", which apparently served to give a senior the role of Vice President. Then the senior graduated, and we decided that anyone could be a Vice President, so we didn't need a Senior Vice President anymore.

The Senior Vice President will return 30 days after the first blood moon after the Econ Club has enough members to necessitate having multiple Vice Presidents.