Fed Trip 2020

The Conference: Late March/Early April

This trip is an undergraduate academic research conference, so most of the time will be spent listening to other students present their research. The sessions are about 30 minutes each and you will be given a guide so you can choose what sessions you wish to attend. You might want to bring paper and a pen to take notes, though last year those were provided.

The topics will vary; almost all papers will involve econometrics, though some might use behavioral economics or game theory. Last year’s conference included topics like “Can You Take a Punch? An Analysis of Country Level Economic Resiliency During the Great Recession” and “Take me out to the Ball Game?: The Effect of Crime on Major League Baseball Attendance ”. Even if you know nothing about the exact methodology a presenter uses, the conference is still a great experience. It will give you the chance to see how other students conduct and present research. You will also get to talk to Fed employees about what it’s like to work for the Fed. This trip is ideal for freshmen and sophomores who get ideas for research projects hopefully participate in future years. Dress for the conference should be a small step above business casual, so think “something you’d wear to a job interview”. Or wear a suit. Suits are very useful in the real world.

Missed class:

You will miss all of your classes on Friday. You might also miss some class on Thursday depending on your exact departure time and transportation situation.

You will have to work out your absence with your professors. Most will excuse this since it is for an academic event (The club can provide documentation if necessary) but in the end it is up to their discretion.


We will be driving to Dallas. The exact details will depend on the number of people going. Any student is permitted to drive their own vehicle plus any passengers willing to ride with them. If you want to choose your own departure time (or just don’t trust the other people driving) then you are welcome to drive yourself. However, be aware of a few things:

  • The trip will be an estimated 360 miles round trip.
  • The trip will involve driving in downtown Dallas Thursday night, Friday morning, and Friday evening with rush hour traffic during the latter two times. If you’ve never negotiated the congested traffic of a major city, I do not recommend making this your first time.
  • The return trip will involve driving at night.
  • You assume all risk and liabilities involved, blah blah blah legal stuff
  • Please don't get in an accident

The trip will take about 3 hours though this could vary based on traffic, road construction, pit stops, etc.

Departure time:

The actual time we leave will depend on the people going. There will be a reception hosted from 4:30-6pm at the Fed and anyone who wants to make it will need to plan on leaving around noon on Thursday. Those who do not will need to work out a departure time with their driver.


Last year, the Fed provided pretty substantial hors d'oeuvres at the Thursday reception, and then Econ Club bought pizza for a late night dinner. For Friday, the Federal Reserve provided both breakfast and lunch. After the conference, we all went to Moxie's Grill and Bar, where Econ Club covered the reservations and food, which included a variety of appetizers and one entree per person. Note: Econ Club will not cover alcoholic drinks; if you want alcohol, you must pay for it yourself. We plan on doing something similar this year, though the Thursday night dinner food might change. If you have any dietary restrictions, make sure to include it in your registration form!


Last year we stayed at the Dallas Sheraton. We slept 2-3 people to a room and some people did share a bed. You might be expected to share. Note that we will not be spending much time at the hotel. Last year we checked in around 8pm and then checked out at 7:30am the next morning. The rooms were fairly spacious so if the idea of sharing makes you uncomfortable you are welcome to bring a sleeping bag.


After the conference we will eat dinner together and then drive back to Norman. Last year we made it back around 10pm.


This is a short trip so you won’t need to pack much. Space for luggage will be a bit tight so it’s a good idea to pack lightly. We will give a more detailed packing list later but the main things are your outfit for the conference and some form of government issued photo ID (OU student ID not acceptable).

Committing to go:

The formal commit deadline is March 1. However, it may be in your best interest to commit early since we have a limited number of people we can take and we will take into account how early you committed when deciding who gets to go. In order to attend, you must also register as an undergraduate student at the official conference website: link.

Requirements for attending:

The club is willing to handle the expenses for those who are willing to miss class and attend. However, in the event that demand is beyond what we are able to accommodate we reserve the right to restrict this event to students who are declared economics majors. If we need to further restrict attendance it will be based on how early you turn in your commitment form.