2018 Visit to Old Catton

Old Catton Twinning French Visit

Confirmed dates for the people of Lavaré to visit Old Catton 9th-13th May 2018


Here is the programme of events for our French guests.

The Twinning Association pays for all entry fees and excursions for the French visitors.

The Party Night is free to our French visitors.

English members of the Association are charged entry fees on excursions and the Party Night for themselves at cost.

Details of costings for English members will be issued around the Easter Break.

Long Range Weather Forecast as at 13.04.18

Forecast cold - Prévu froid (12/13 degrees) à Norwich!


Wed 9th May

Arrival and Reception

17:00 - 19:00 approx - we will phone you when we know of their imminent arrival.

Drinks & nibbles when French arrive at Pavilion, Recreation Ground.

Meal + evening with host families


Thurs 10th May

Visit To Historic Norwich - Old Norwich Union Offices (AM)

10:15 Depart Old Catton Car Park - Please assemble from around 10:00

Pour le chauffeur - Départ du parking (Old Catton) à 10:15

Pour le chauffeur - Dépose au centre ville à 10:40 - Dir Sat Nav: NR1 3DD (Castle Meadow)

Parking au centre ville

Reprendre tout le monde - à Sat Nav: NR1 3DD (Castle Meadow)

The Aviva archive (Old Norwich Union Offices) is situated in Surrey House in the centre of Norwich. Surrey House was built as the headquarters for Norwich Union, opening in 1905, and is still a working office today.


Marble Hall - situated in Surrey House - is a spectacular piece of Edwardian architecture designed by George Skipper. He was commissioned by The Norwich Union Life Insurance Society's directors tp produce a 'splendid yet functional office space', incorporating Greek influences and the themes of insurance, protection and wellbeing, to reassure policyholders of the company's strength and prosperity.

The building has a commanding Palladian exterior and an interior adroned with 15 varieties of marble, classically inspired frescos and a stunning glass atrium. It also contains unusual items such as an 'air fountain' and a chiming skeleton clock made for the Great Exhibition of 1851. This is a working building. Members of the public who visit during office hours, Monday to Friday, are usually able to look around the Marble Hall.Hopefully there might be coach parking right outside. To be confirmed.



Coach Trip to Bressingham Steam & Gardens (PM)

Depart Castle Meadow at 12:10 for Bressingham

Lunch stop in a Village Hall (T.B.A.) - approx 12:45

14:00 Arrive Bressingham

Pour le chauffeur - départ de Norwich (Centre) en car à 12:10

Dir Sat Nav: IP22 2AA (Bressingham)


Visit attraction as you wish.

Please note weather is likely to be coldish, forecast around 12/13 degrees.



16:30 Depart Bressingham

17:45 Arrive back at Old Catton car park

Meal + evening with host families



Fri 11th May

Day Visit to Sandringham Estate:The Norfolk Retreat of HM The Queen.

09:30 Depart by French coach/car from Old Catton Rec Car Park

11:00 Arrival at the Estate

Pour le chauffeur - départ du parking (Old Catton) à 09:30

Dir Sat Nav: PE35 6EN (Sandringham Estate)

Parking gratuit pour les cars

Sandringham is the much-loved country retreat of Her Majesty The Queen, and has been the private home of four generations of British monarchs since 1862. The house, set in 24 hectares of stunning gardens, is perhaps the most famous stately home in Norfolk and is at the heart of the 8,000-hectare Sandringham Estate, 240 hectares of which make up the woodland and heath of the Country Park, open to the public free of charge every day of the year. You can also visit the Sandringham Church and visit the graveyard for the Queen's Corgi dogs.

The Sandringham Church:


16:00 Depart Sandringham Estate

Reprendre tout le monde au parking à 16:00 pour le retour à Old Catton

17:45 Arrive back at Old Catton car park

Party Night (Soirée) Hellesdon Community Centre Hall - NR6 5SR

Committee/Caterers/Band gain entrance at 17:00

19:00 - 23:00 - Out by 23:30 - Make your own way there

Pour le chauffeur - pas besoin du car le soir

Aperitif 19:00 with 3 course evening meal with wine

Catering by Old Catton Kitchen

Music & dancing with "Small Fry" - Accordion Playing + Ceilidh


Bring your own selection of drinks for after the meal as there will be no bar on the night



Sat 12th May

Free Day with guests

Pour le chauffeur - journée libre

 – suggest you join with one or more other host families to do something together. 

(Journée libre avec hôtes)



Sun 13th May

08:00 French guests depart from the Recreation Ground. 

Time to be confirmed.


If you would like to join in with our activities or simply find out more about the Old Catton Twinning Association, please contact the Chairman, Richard Moore, details from the contact page.